
Total War: Warhammer III Ikit Claw Campaign Tips

Tips to Ikit Claw Campaign

Hi, dont bother with skavenslaves/clanrats, not even stormwermin. In the begining use skavenslaves slingers to fill up your empty army slots/additional armies. They do at least some DMG and after routing and coming back, they can get few free shots into enemy flanks/backs.

As Ikit, its all about weapon teams. Great composition is something like 4 Plagueclaw Catapults, 4 Rattling Guns, 4 Warplock Jezzails, 1-2 Poisoned wind Mortars + heroes (at least 1 Warlock Engineer and rest Plague Priests).

Your front line should be Ikit + Plague Priests spamming Vermintide as expendable roudblocks + menaces below. Have your heroes close to max range of your army, so enemy wont ignore them and rush your shooters.

To kill single entities/lords/heroes, always asses when its ok to kill them or if its waste of ammo(small target/shielded/too much Missile/Physical/Ward esistance) and just kite them with ikit (have Ikit on his Doom Flayer mount, it has much better survival then Doomwheel).

Early Economy is pretty bad, but practically every skaven building generates gold. So you want to expand quite fast to increase your Food Cap and food/gold production.

There is a great cheese you can do to get a very strong start:

Dont bother building anything in Skavenblight(just cheapest buildings to unlock techs) and try to get your food cap to 130 (and have actual 120 food) then, you just abandon Skavenblight (turn before, sell all buildings to get some gold back) and have lord ready to resettle it next turn – bam, you have tier 5 Skavenblight somewhere around turn 12-15.

Oh, and have ALL provinces commandments to generate food.

And one more general advice: AMBUSHES.

You are skaven and there is absolutely no excuse to not have every battle (minus settlement battles) to be an ambush. increase your chance of ambushing by any means you can – techs, defeat traits (Skarsniks defeat trait is awesome), skills, starting traits (new lords should have starting trait Sneaky).

Your normal stance has chance of ambushing rolled every time you attack, so if you have enough movement points, you can just retreat and attack again and again, until you get ambush.

And use ambush stance as much as possible (preferably with another lord next to your army as a bait).

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Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-07-11